Friday, June 24, 2011

How big mouths can kill. A tribute to William Kong.


Hey guys do you remember the guy who posted the suicide countdown on facebook? Well, his father was very, very, sad about his death and also started to make a website to counsel teens about their problems, so they wont follow his son's action and just get along with their life. What I'm happy about is, he manage to save a couple of teens from committing suicide.
So anyways,William Kong that 61 year old man, who found it difficult to come over the loss of his 19 year old son and after his death, started to help other people overcome their problems and not follow his son's fate. Before he made the website he made a 15 minute movie about the incident, but stupid and irresponsible people started accusing him of making money out of the movie. They didn't give him a chance, but just judged him.

All these vicious accusations, together with his own depression over the death of his son, led him to a heart attack on Monday at 11:38 a.m. Strangely, his watch also stopped at 11:38 a.m.
His brother said "Maybe God was telling him he had finished what he had to do and time was up for him." When he died and was buried, his brother received SMS and phone calls from those he and his brother had helped. The SMS said how he and brother's wisdom and conselling helped them in overcoming their troubles and in life. But his work did not perished yet, his friends are still helping him counsel other teens about their troubles.

So may God bless them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that they may continue this website to counsel teens and to also give them the determination and faith in what in they are doing.
Let me just say that, there are people who will criticise, bully, tease and make fun of you. Its normal. I know you all will feel annoyed when somebody says something bad about you or question your good intentions. They may spread false rumours and even call you all sorts of names. I understand how you feel because I handled this kind of things now almost every day and in primary school last time.

When I was in standard 2, I kept getting bullied by some Malay guys and sometimes I would fight back (one vs an entire gang) and I'm not talking about fighting by talking to them very fierce, I'm talking about fist fights. When we stopped fighting, I thought I'll be nice to them for a change and that I could make peace with them. I would say hello to them each time one of them walks past me and I will say good bye to them when they walk home or when they get into their parent's car.

After a few months, they asked me why was I being so nice to them all of the sudden even when we fought last time and I replied "That was the last time, let's just forget about it and be friends". Then, they started talking and playing with me till then.

What I am trying to say is, being misunderstood and being bullied and being judged wrongly is not just common among teenagers like me, but as in William Kong, adults also suffer from it. For those who are misunderstood, I want to say, believe in yourself and God because maybe God is trying to show you a message through the people that make fun of you, that it's ok to be weak and to accept yourself as you are. You know who you are, and why you are doing what you are doing. Don't let stupid people pull you down with their big mouths.

And for those who got nothing good to say, shut your stupid mouth. If you want to be useless, fine. Just don't drag other people down and kill them with your stupidity.

Dear William Kong. May you rest in peace. May you find healing in God and be reunited with your son. I respect you and your work.


Junkradar said...

Hey Josh. Great write-up. Now I know about William Kong and I think what he did was just amazing. Thanks for sharing and for witnessing to God.

Josh Teoh said...


The Family Teoh said...

Don't stop writing wei

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